Sunday, July 20, 2008

Ethics and Design

I would like to introduce some famous pictures about the pain of Vietnamese during Vietnam war.
First, after a napalm attack on the village of Trang Bang, this photo shows children fleeing the bombing, including a young girl naked, burned by napalm. She is Phan Thi Kim Phuc.
Napalm girl - by Huynh Cong Ut

Saigon Execution - by Eddie Adams

Second, Nguyen Ngoc Loan executes a Viet Cong prisoner with a single pistol shot in the head in Saigon in 1968.

Finally, during 10 years, a rain continues to defoliants befell the Center and the South in Vietnam. The United States army used herbicides which is called Agent Orange. They want to prevent soldiers North and Viet Cong hiding in the woods and destroy their food.
The consequence of the war is the pain of parents who have children teratogenic, it is the pain of mothers who lose their children.A child was affected by Agent Orange.


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